Tuesday, August 23, 2011


=It seems like it has taken a long time for the tomatoes to really start ripening.  I've gathered a few here and there since the end of June, but not a lot.  But now - wow!

It was an odd spring for many reasons, not just the weather.  I started some seeds, but ended up being gifted better seedlings.  I planted those, gave away a few of mine and wondered why I bought all those seeds.  The plants grew crazily and I was a bit worried at first, wondering if I'd get only foliage and little or no fruit.  I guess I really don't need to worry about that now.  I believe I am at the start of being overwhelmed with tomatoes.

I labeled my plants when I planted - when Mom and I planted, that is.  But I will need to work hard to really know what each variety is, since the plants are too big to get to the little stake in the ground near the base of the plant!  (Note to self:  draw a diagram noting the location of each variety.  This will be easier to identify tomatoes as they ripen!)

And what should I do with all these tomatoes?  Eat, can, eat, make salsa, eat, make juice, etc.  I may even try my hand at canning a home made Bloody Mary mix.  We'll see about that!

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