Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bored, Bored, Bored...

It's not that I'm bored, but I'm sure if anyone looked at this blog, they were and still are bored!  Confession:  I have too many irons in the fire.  Fire?  Yes, we need to enjoy more fires in our backyard! 

See how quick that was?  Just a word gets me moving in a direction.  I'll be lucky if I can even complete and post this article.  Really, though, I enjoy fire and hope to enjoy more fires in that backyard before the snow flies.  It's been rainy for the past several days.  If we can get some decent weather, we can burn!

And I hope the snow doesn't fly too soon, as our snow blower is in the shop.  I'm a bit nervous as to how much that will cost.  It's from when I caught the thing on fire last spring.  It had been a heavy snow and I was working to remove it.  When I stopped to refuel, I spilled a bit too much gasoline on the engine.  After a little sizzle, there was a "woof."  I tossed the flaming gas can and ran.  Lucky for me, the cap was off of the tank on the snow blower, so there was no explosion.  But not knowing what it would do, I called 911 and invited the firemen out.  So, there was that expense and now the actual repairs.  All due to fire.

Since gardening season is almost over, I am hoping to get moving with other hobbies.  I'd like to do more pottery, photography and get back into running.  I've been off from running really for a couple of years now.  I keep thinking I want to get back to it, but haven't prioritized it.  But now, I'm quite soft in the middle.  Running was really good for me.

And now that Deb is starting to run, I need to also.  We agreed to do a half marathon next year.  We were looking at the Yellowstone Half, but I believe that is actually sold out.  Either way, I need to get training and we'll find one to do!  J just need to do it...

Okay, so now, I just need to get off my backside...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Get Serious!

In the course of gardening season, other things go by the wayside - namely pottery.  Pottery seems to fill the same space in the non-gardening season.  But it's probably mostly has to do with my organization with a little prioritization thrown in.  But, as anyone close to me knows, I can spend days agonizing over not having enough time!  So, let's not get started now.

My writing today has to do with the pure fun I've had getting back into my studio for the past two days.  It was very pleasurable getting muddy again.  I also had my mom and tow girls in the clay, as well.

All fun aside, I am now going to work on getting a good solid procedure in place that will allow me to still do other things.  As today barely started, I had a call to sub at school.  While this is a good thing, letting mugs and handles get too dry in the studio is not.  So, I should go back to methods from the learning studio - covering things so they don't dry out - then if something happens, I don't need to worry about starting over.  And if I'm not called away, then when I have some time and can uncover, possibly use a fan for expedited drying, and keep moving forward. 

And the key is just that:  to keep moving forward and therefore make progress.  In looking at myself recently, I was wanting to get moving in pottery.  And one of the ideas given to me was to take myself seriously.  Now, that doesn't mean to become stern and only work.  To me, this means to put in some good time, make progress and at least act like it's a real thing.  Probably that includes not letting my equipment collect dust.  Also, making and giving pottery items as gifts would be a good thing.  My goal of making a better coffee mug from Dad's clay and giving it to him for Christmas would be a worthwhile goal.

So, in light of the success and failure in my studio in the past couple of days, I would like to get in it tonight and work on my new procedures, as well as practice some more mugs.  Those small goals would work toward the larger ones that would be due in about a month!

Ho, ho, ho...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Lucky Stars and Food

And here it is November...almost winter!  But before winter, comes Thanksgiving.  There are lots of good things about Thanksgiving - lots of things to be thankful for.  Many of my Facebook friends have started a daily post on what they are thankful for.  I didn't jump on the bandwagon, but believe it's a good idea to assess the productivity of our lucky stars, periodically.

Right now, I'm really looking forward to the food of Thanksgiving.  Really?  I just posted on one of my other blogs that I wanted to be more active and get in better shape again.  So food?  Food is there regardless of activity - we need food to survive.  Of course, if I am up on my activity, that big piece of pumpkin pie won't be an issue.

Okay, back to food, specifically Thanksgiving food.  We are fortunate this year to be attending two Thanksgiving dinners.  The first will be at my dad and step-mom's place.  The second will be at Mom's.  I am looking forward to going to both places.

My favorite foods are...oh, they're all my favorites...

Maybe my next post won't be so rambling...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Holy Cow!  No, I'm not Hindu.  But I like the phrase and hope I'm offending no one.

But getting back on topic, why can't I keep a blog going?  I actually have three blogs...none of which are up to date.  So, let's change that.  Blogging really doesn't take a lot of time, just time to remember and do a bit.  Not many entries need to be long and inspiring.  Pictures are helpful - I think everyone enjoys a pretty picture now and then!  But photos are not always necessary, either.

With that said, I'm currently enjoying what seems to be the start of a creative feel.  I am actively playing cello - church last Sunday and working with Octavo Ensemble as musician and librarian.  Playing music hasn't flet this good in quite some time.  What is wrong?  Or what is right?

I am also looking forward to getting into my pottery studio and making some serious progress this winter.  Yes, I can get pretty distracted, but I really believe this is the winter...or something.  I think I have to name my studio/business to make it be real.  Also, I intend to find a mentor.

And finally, I now need to get moving in today's paid, out-of-the-house job.  It's fun and inspiring to be here...sorta.  We'll see what today brings!

Monday, May 7, 2012


As I continue my busy spring and writing funk, I browsed through some of the many blogs that I have bookmarked.  What is the disease that hits us all that makes us allow our blogs to become cyber-deserts?  Like anything, I guess it's time.  I enjoy writing, but on the long list of priorities, it is a distance from the top.  Now, I don't know if anyone reads this blog or if that is even necessary.  This blog is just some personal meanderings through miscellaneous subjects.  I suppose none of this really matters...except for the lack of discipline on my part.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lily's Idea

Here's a little bit that came from Lily the other day.  She was noticing that my flannel pj pants were getting pretty tattered.  She told me I should ask Grandma to make me a new pair.  I told her it was a good idea and that I'd consider that.  Then she asked if she could have my pants when I get my new ones.  They are really in bad shape so I said that they'd be headed for the trash.  She insisted saying that she wanted them in case she makes a quilt someday.  Interesting...very interesting!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Okay, it's not quite a blizzard, but it's fun to see the snow and wind!  I have a camera with me today, but with issues.  I hope it's only the battery.  As I look out the window where I'm working, I see drifts right outside that look to be three fee tall.  We haven't had much snow, really,l but the wind is whipping!  There is a lot of bare space, but where the wind has obstacles, the drifts are building!

I hope I can pick up the other camera battery later today...